Not A Fan
I normally love these kinds of games, and this is definitely better than some. However, I have a few major gripes. Maybe it's just because Turtle Launcher spoiled me, but this game really does come off as a cheap knock off. The art wasn't anything to write home about, and when you make a game like this where you see the same things over and over and over again, it's rough when the graphics aren't something other than generic.
As for the gameplay, it felt very bland. I had no incentive to play on, none at all. Again Ill refer back to Turtle Launcher, but I played that game for hours on end, because I was compelled to come back and play it. I will not play this game again. The upgrades were extremely unbalanced and to me it seemed as if power varied with every try.
I'll give you props for making a decent working game, something I can't do. However, thats as far as my compliments will go. If you do make more games in the future, add in the little things that keep people coming back.
Make less bland.